I like the idea of how quantitative feedback affects how we see our own work - I guess as opposed to qualitative feedback, like does it mean more to the creator if it’s extremely popular & visible vs if it has made a personal connection to the audience even in smaller numbers. In general I feel we’re heading toward a place with less qualitative feedback, bc there’s too much content to feedback meaningfully on, especially with the peak of individual subscriptions model you described in your newsletter. I also feel that with twitter slowly being deserted + so many publications shutting down, it’s increasingly harder to connect with writers beyond popularity / influence, especially newer voices or topics that aren’t as likely to be viral - lots of popular content is great but I’d like the option to connect beyond that too.

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yes!! on your last point, we’re in this precarious place where publications don’t really want to boost the journalist-influencer rep and I hate the pressure for journalists to be like influencers, but I also definitely will read something about a topic I don’t think I care about *because* a writer I trust is covering it and that trust feels very valuable and hard to create and maintain

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Yes exactly & often i end up loving these pieces especially - things I wouldn’t have read but read because I like the writer’s style / approach - because in addition to just being interesting stories, they also give you insight into how a writer crafts a story, since you’re seeing a style you are familiar with in a story you’re not.

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I think a lot of what makes this constant tracking of analytics so attractive is that it is partly a craving to go "full time" as a creative as fast as possible.

Tracking analytics, theoretically, aids in increasing visibility as fast as possible.

To me, though, that overtly damages my art. It's something I consciously have to push back on in my internal dialogue.

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That’s an interesting take! I feel like analytics feel unindicative to me because I know how cursory people’s scrolling is and so like “impressions” or “views” can mean nothing

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Absolutely how I feel too, but when your mindset is in that monetization space engagement is engagement, and it rules all.

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