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This might go off the tangent but this made me think:

I often think about job and by job i mean my source of income (why couldnt I when it took so much of my waking time every day) and I often daydream about the things I could be doing instead. Something that I'm truly passionate about.

But as you say, and many artists do I follow online, making art as your career could inevitably harm you and your creative spirit. It's doubly hard when it's the very thing that comforts you, give you strength, and make you happy. So this, somehow prevents me with actually pursuing a career. But at the same time, I still want it. How could I when making your passion as your career is the best way to have the time when work consumes so much of it, get some resources coz job could provide you with that esp with increasing amount of subscription-based services and their fees, and make connections with others who may have appreciation for this. People that you could share vision

And this lead me to thinking how it would be nice if we just could get more time to ourselves, to dedicate for hobbies and other passions that don't need to justify its existence by the material and monetary value they could provide us. That I hope that we collectively could revise our definition of work and livelihood as one and the same, when doing household chores is a work, taking care of your family, building relationships, community, doing hobbies, they are all a work.

That we have other means to secure our basic needs through community where we could share resources together, eliminating the need to continuously consume things when we could utilize what we have.

That its sad we live in very capitalistic society that wants infinite growth when everything else is finite. That we should appreciate our lives more, and do the things that make living life for. Perhaps then it will be easier for us to do things, try things, and not neccessarily because we're passionate about it.

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